按GB/T 11115-2009 标准的6.10 和6.11 款分析聚乙烯薄膜的鱼眼和条纹。并按GB/T 4611-2008 标准测定聚氯乙烯
性能特点Performance Features
1. 目标质地清晰,可清楚观测到薄膜的鱼眼和纹路的内在结构和分布。有效分辨薄膜的内在缺陷或外力损伤。
To clearly see and show of inner structure of film and its fish-eyes,and to effectively distinguish
if it is natural defect or is from force damage.
2. 独特的阅膜规设计,检测视野大,观测面清晰,观测轻松,检测效率高。
Special design of film scope makes the viewing and inspection picture much bigger and clearer.It then
makes the work much freely and efficiently.
3. 可片状薄膜检测,也可滚筒送膜检测,方式灵活,效率高。
To inspect the film in piece or continuously by film roller.
4. 配标准版,可直接测量鱼眼大小和分类数量,无需放大镜。
Standard Plate,in option,may directly match the size and number of fish-eye without reading glass.
5. 独特的光路设计,观测面友好,可有效避免观测疲劳或视力伤害。
Due to special optical path design, it has friend observation
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