精密双注射泵Pump 33一个包装中装有两个独立精密注射泵
精密双注射泵Pump 33技术参数:
类型 带微处理器的双驱动单注射器注射/抽吸型
稳定精度 ± 0.35%
复现精度 ± 0.1%
*小 0.5 μl
** 140 ml
*小 0.0004μl / hr
** 106.6 ml / min
非易失性存储器 存储所有设置
RS – 232 RJ11 - 4插头
TTL 9 - 针插头
平均直线推力 57 lbs
驱动电机 两个电机,每个为0.9 ˚ 步角步进电机
电机驱动控制 从1/2到1/4 微步步进可以进行微处理器控制
导向螺杆每转一圈电机前机步数 在1/2 步进时1600或者在1/4 步进时3200
*小 27.3秒/步
** 416.7微秒/步
*小 0.726699 μm / min
** 95.25 mm / min
功率 45 W, 1.0A保险丝
电压范围 95到130V交流, 60Hz, 220到260V交流, 50Hz, 可选
尺寸, 高 x 宽 x 长 15.2 x 31.1 x 28.6 cm (6 x 12.5 x 11.25 in)
重量 6.8kg (15 lb)
精密双注射泵Pump 33主要特点:
The Harvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump offerscontinuous infusion or withdrawal, 24 hours a day, 365 days a yearwith the accuracy and low flow of a Harvard syringe pump.
The Harvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump is a breakthrough in pumpingtechnology. The 33 has two independent pumping channels linkedthrough hardware and software. When combined with a valve box, itprovides the continuous delivery of a peristaltic or piston pumpwith the accuracy, absence of pulsation and low flow rates of asyringe pump.
The Harvard 33 Dual Syringe Pump opens up whole new pumpingpossibilities. These are some of the applications of this pump:
• The injection of dyes, perfumes and flavoring in industrialapplications
• Applications with liquids or viscous materials inmicromanufacturing
• Continuous injections of reactants into reactor vessels
• Simultaneous samplings from two sites
• Continuous injection for long term toxicology testing
Several modes of operation are available to accommodate a range ofsetups and experimental protocols. A unique movable limit switchmechanism is used to change direction or stop operation of the pumpdepending on the mode of operation.
Reciprocal/Parallel Mode - Syringe mechanisms can run in the sameor opposite directions (i.e. both infusing/withdrawing at the sametime or one infusing and the other withdrawing)
Proportional Mode - Different flow rates and syringe diameters canbe set for each syringe mechanism
AutoStop Mode - Pump stops operation when a limit switch isactivated.
Continuous Run Mode - When a limit switch is activated each syringemechanism reverses direction.
The pump has high pressure capability and TTL and RS-232 interfacefor data acquisition and control.
The communication ports enable daisy-chaining of up to 100pumps.