卧式螺带混合机概述 Description
The model is composed of a container, stirring blades and transmission components: helical blade is generally made of two or three layers, the outer spiral material collected from both sides to the central, inner spiral material from central conveying, the formation of convective mixing.
卧式螺带混合机特点 Featrures
◎ 装载系数大、设备占地面积小。
◎ 混合粘性或具有凝聚性的物料时,清洗困难。
◎ Big coefficient of loading、small occupied area.
◎ It is difficult to clean when it is used to mix viscous or adhesive material.
卧式螺带混合机应用范围 Application
◎ 螺带混合机一般用于粘性或有凝聚性的粉粒体的混合以及粉粒体中添加液体及糊状物料的混合,同时由于粘性物料清洗困难的特点,适用于产量大、不经常更换品种的场合混合。
◎ The ribbon mixer is generally used in the mixing of viscous or cohesion of adding mixture of liquid and pasty materials of powder mixing and powder, and at the same time, because of the characteristics of the viscous material cleaning difficult, suitable for mixed production, not replace the variety of situations.
卧式螺带混合机技术参数 Technical parameters
型号Type | WLDH-0.1 | WLDH-0.3 | WLDH-0.5 | WLDH-1 | WLDH-1.5 | WLDH-2 | WLDH-3 | WLDH-4 | WLDH-6 | WLDH-8 | WLDH-10 |
一次性混合 Kg one job (kg) | 30-50 | 100-150 | 200-300 | 400-600 | 600-900 | 800-1200 | 1200-1800 | 1600-2400 | 2400-3600 | 3200-4800 | 4000-6000 |
电机功率 Tnstaued capaci (kg) | 1.5-4 | 3-3.5 | 4-11 | 7.5-15 | 11-18.5 | 15-22 | 18.5-30 | 22-37 | 37-55 | 37-55 | 37-55 |
设备重量 Kg weight (kg) | 300 | 500 | 900 | 1400 | 1900 | 2500 | 3100 | 3600 | 5300 | 6800 |