颜色刚灰,有金属光泽,质软, 莫氏硬度1-2,比重2-2.24,化学性质稳定,不受强酸碱影响,有害杂质少,铁,硫,磷,氮,钼,氢含量低,具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐酸碱、抗氧化、可塑性、润滑性、导热性、导电性等一系列优质特性,广泛用于铸造、涂抹、电池、碳素制品、铅笔、颜料、焊条、石墨乳剂、脱硫剂、防腐剂、润滑剂、冶炼增碳剂、注定保护渣及各种耐火材料。
Earthy graphite: also known as microcrystalline graphite ,also called amorphous graphite or aphanitic graphite (also known as black lead powder). Generally it's crystal is less than 1 micron in diameter, and only can be seen through the electron microscope .
With gray color, metallic luster, soft, Mohs hardness of 1-2, the proportion of 2-2.24 and chemically stable, free from strong acid-base effect.It has less harmful impurities and with less iron、sulfur、 phosphorus、 nitrogen、 molybdenum and hydrogen. Besides it can resist high temperature, corrosion, acid and antioxidant,meanwhile having good plasticity, lubrication, thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity.It is being widely used in casting, painting, batteries, carbon products, pencils, paint, welding rod, graphite emulsion, desulfurization agents, preservatives, lubricants, refining carburant, destined flux and all kinds of refractory materials.