该设备分A、B、C、D四种型号、适合年产量在5000-15000吨的中小型企业,用户可根据产量大小自行选择! 把卧式搅拌与立式搅拌两道工艺结合起来,能有效地分散纤维,完全解决了由于物料比重的不同引起的离析和纤维二次团聚问题,从而保证了砂浆的质量。 该设备操作简单,经济实用;封闭式搅拌,环保性能好。 The device points A, B, C, D four models, suitable for output in the 5000-15000 tons of small and medium enterprises, the user can choose output size! The horizontal mixing and vertical mixing two processes combine to effectively disperse fibers, completely solved because the proportion of different materials and fiber segregation caused by the second reunion, which ensures the quality of mortar. The device is simple, economical and practical; closed mixed, good environmental performance.