产品说明: HB-8型气动式包装机是我厂研制开发的新产品,本机特点:彻底解决了国内同行业解决不了的漏灰和挤闸板的问题,重点突出节能环保,大大减少了配件的更换率,同时降低了维修费用,几乎无配件更换,保证一年内*多不超过5000元维修费用,深受广大用户的好评。欢迎广大用户来厂或到使用厂家参观指导。本产品生产范围:1-4嘴包装机,6-12回转式包装机。 Description: HB-8-type pneumatic packing machine is my factory developed a new product, the machine features: Complete solution for the domestic industry can not solve the leakage issue of gray and crowded gate, focused energy-saving environmental protection, greatly reducing parts replacement rate, while reducing maintenance costs, almost no parts to replace, within one year guarantee up to more than 5000 yuan maintenance costs, by the majority of users. Users are welcome to visit the factory or to use the manufacturers guide. The products range :1-4 ,6-12 mouth packing machine rotary packing machine.