适用化工、制药、食品等行业的粉状、粒状及纤维状物料的浓缩、混合、干燥及需低温干燥的物料(如生化制品等),更适用于易 氧化、易挥发、热敏性、强烈刺激、有毒性物料和不允许破坏结晶体的物料的干燥。
原理 Principle
◎ 在密闭的夹层中通入热能源(如热水、低压、蒸汽或导热油),热量经内壳传给被干燥物料。
◎ 在动力驱动下,罐体作缓慢旋转,罐内物料不断地混合,从而达到强化干燥的目的。
◎ 物料处于真空状态,蒸汽压下降使物料表面的水份(溶剂)达到饱和状态而蒸发了,并由真空泵及时排出回收。物料内部的水份(溶剂)不断的向表面渗透、蒸发、排出,三个过程不断进行,物料在很短时间内达到干燥目的。
Heat source (for example, low pressure steam or thermal conduct oil)
pass through the sealed jacket. The heat will be transmitted to raw
material to be dried through inner shell.
◎ Under driving of power,
the tank is rotated slowly and the raw material inside it is mixed
continuously. The purpose of reinforced drying can be realized.
◎ The
raw material exists is under vacuum. The drop of steam pressure makes
the moisture (solvent) at the surface of raw material become saturation
and will evaporate. The solvent will be discharged through vacuum pump
an recovered in time. The inner moisture (solvent) of raw material will
infiltrate, evaporate and discharge continuously. The three processes
are carried out unceasingly and the purpose of drying can be realized
within a short time.
概述 Description
Series Double Tapered Vacuum Dryer is a new generation drying device
developed by our factory on the basis of combining the technology of
similar equipment. It has two connecting ways, i.e. belt or chain.
Therefore it is stable in operation. The special design guarantees two
shafts realize good concentricity. Heat medium and vacuum system all
adapt reliable rotating connector with the technology from USA. On this
basis, we also developed SZG-A. It can carry out steppless speed change
and constant temperature control.
As a professional factory in drying
industry, we supply hundred sets to the customers every year. As for
heat medium, it may be thermal oil or steam or hot water. For drying the
adhesive raw material, we have designed specially a stirring plate
buffer for you.
特点 Featrures
◎ 油加热时,采用自动恒温控制,可以干燥生化制品和矿物原料,温度可在20~160℃之间,温度±2℃以上。
◎ 热效率高,比一般烘箱提高2倍以上。
◎ 间接加热,物料不会被污染,符合"GMP"要求。设备维修操作简便,易清洗。
When oil is used to heat, use automatic constant temperature control.
It can be used for drying biology products and mine. Its temperature of
operation can be adjusted form 20-160 ℃, and within ±2℃.
◎ Compared to ordinal dryer, its heat efficiency will be 2 times higher.
◎ The heat is indirect. So the raw material can not be polluted. It is in
conformity with the requirement of GMP. It is easy in washing and maintenance.
浙江华纳药业有限公司 河南华商药业有限公司 张家港市新宇化工厂
浙江润康药业有限公司 江苏绿洲化工有限公司 浙江胜达制药有限公司
应用 Application
适用化工、制药、食品等行业的粉状、粒状及纤维状物料的浓缩、混合、干燥及需低温干燥的物料(如生化制品等),更适用于易 氧化、易挥发、热敏性、强烈刺激、有毒性物料和不允许破坏结晶体的物料的干燥。
is suitable for the raw materials that need to dry at low temoerature
(for example, biochenistry products in chenical, pharmaceutical and food
stuffindustries.) Particularly it is suitable for the raw materials
that are easy tooxidize, volatilize and have strong heat sensitive and
toxic and not permitted todestroy its crystal drying.