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Computational Optimizing the Electromagnetic Wave Reflectivity of Double-Layered Polymer Nanocomposites
2022-09-27     来源:四川垦业科技发展有限公司   >>进入该公司展台 

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Double-layered absorption-dominated electromagnetic interference (EMI)  shielding composites are highly desirable to prevent secondary electromagnetic  wave pollution. However, it is a tremendous challenge to optimize the shielding  performance via the trial-and-error method due to the low efficiency. Herein,  a novel approach of computation-aided experimental design is proposed  to efficiently optimize the reflectivity of the double-layered composites.  A normalized input impedance (NII) method is presented to calculate the  electromagnetic wave reflectivity of multilayered EMI shielding composites. The  calculated results are a good match with the experimental results. Then, the NII  method is utilized to design polyvinylidene difluoride/MXene/carbon nanotube  (PVDF/MXene/CNT) composites. According to the optimization of the NII  method, the prepared PVDF/MXene/CNT composite has an ultralow reflectivity  of 0.000057, which outperforms that reported in current work and satisfies  the requirement of electromagnetic wave absorbing material. Additionally, its  average EMI shielding effectiveness is 30 dB, demonstrating that PVDF/MXene/ CNT composite simultaneously achieves shielding and absorption. The ultralow  reflection mechanism can be ascribed to the ideal impedance match. Both the  PVDF/MXene and the PVDF/CNT layers can attenuate electromagnetic energy,  which subverts the traditional cognition of double-layered absorption-dominated  EMI shielding composites. The NII method opens a way for the practical  fabrication of double-layered absorption-dominated EMI shielding composites.

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