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2019-Nano Research 超灵敏应变传感用可拉伸石墨烯聚合物纳米复合材料中的光热电效应感应电
2022-09-28     来源:四川垦业科技发展有限公司   >>进入该公司展台 

Stretchable strain sensors play an increasingly important role in artificial intelligent devices. However, high-performance strain sensors have  been slowly developed owing to the harsh requirement of self-powered function, long cycle life and high resolution. Here, we report a  self-powered stretchable graphene-ecoflex composite strain sensor based on photo-thermoelectric (PTE) effect induced electricity. The  device exhibits a high strain sensitivity of −0.056 ln(nA)/% with strains ranged from 0% to 20% under 980 nm light illumination, where the  strain sensitivity can be found to increase with increasing light intensity. The strain sensor maintains outstanding dynamic stability under  periodic strains ranged from 0 to 100% in 100 cycles. The sensing resolution can be as high as 0.5% with both the response and recovery time  of less than 0.6 s. It can precisely monitor human joint motions and stretchable strains by implanting the device in pork.

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