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2020-Adv Funct Mater 在可拉伸石墨烯-聚合物纳米复合材料中,通过焦耳加热效应对智能机器人小应变的无线监测
2022-09-28     来源:四川垦业科技发展有限公司   >>进入该公司展台 


Flexible strain sensors are an important component for future intelligent  robotics. However, the majority of current strain sensors must be electrically  connected to a corresponding monitoring system via conducting wires, which  increases system complexity and restricts the working environment for monitoring strains. Here, stretchable graphene–polymer nanocomposites that act as  strain sensors using a Joule heating effect are reported. When the resistance of  the sensor changes in response to a strain, the resulting change in temperature  is wirelessly detected in an intelligent robot. By engineering and optimizing the  surface structure of graphene–polymer nanocomposites, the fabricated strain  sensors exhibit excellent stability when subjected to periodic temperature signals over 400 cycles while being periodically strained and deliver a high strain  sensitivity of 7.03 × 104 °C1 %1 for strain levels of 0% to 30%. As a wearable  electronic device, the approach provides the capability to wirelessly monitor  small strains for intelligent robots at a high strain resolution of 0.1%. Moreover, when the strain sensing system operates as a multichannel structure, it  allows precise strain detection simultaneously, or in sequence, for each finger  of an intelligent robot.

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