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Hierarchically patterned selfpowered sensors f 用于多功能触觉传感的分层模式的自供电传感器
2022-09-28     来源:四川垦业科技发展有限公司   >>进入该公司展台 


Flexible sensors are highly desirable for tactile sensing and wearable devices. Previous researches of smart elements  have focused on flexible pressure or temperature sensors. However, realizing material identification remains a challenge. Here, we report a multifunctional sensor composed of hydrophobic films and graphene/polydimethylsiloxane  sponges. By engineering and optimizing sponges, the fabricated sensor exhibits a high-pressure sensitivity  of >15.22 per kilopascal, a fast response time of <74 millisecond, and a high stability over >3000 cycles. In the case  of temperature stimulus, the sensor exhibits a temperature-sensing resolution of 1 kelvin via the thermoelectric  effect. The sensor can generate output voltage signals after physical contact with different flat materials based on  contact-induced electrification. The corresponding signals can be, in turn, used to infer material properties. This  multifunctional sensor is excellent in its low cost and material identification, which provides a design concept for  meeting the challenges in functional electronics.

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